Displays, RA Programs

Summer Reading Continues!

Every couple of weeks during summer reading, Reader’s Advisory puts out different displays that go with the theme “Get in the Game: READ!” in the area surrounding our desk. Anything that is on the cubes can be checked out, just like anything else in the library!

Right now, there are several different exciting displays to choose from.

“Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em Robots,” located on the left book cube, is a wide selections of family dramas and fiction about family relationships.  Check one out to enjoy some (dys)functional families!

“The Game of Life,” located on the center book cube, are titles having to do with each stage of one’s life.  Starting a career, marriage, having a family and retirement are all featured through fiction.

“Spin the Bottle,” located on the CD display cube, is music of all eras.

Our corner display will be rotating through Trivial Pursuit categories every few weeks. Currently it is books related to Arts and Literature.

The film walls feature “Bingo,” films that begin with the letters BINGO, and “Big Bang Theory,” nonfiction films featuring the big universe of science.

All summer long, our new book display and staff (and patron) suggestions display are transformed into “Chance” and “Community Chest.”

Check out the slideshow below for photos of each of these displays.
We encourage you to come in and check out these displays for yourself; you can always take something home!

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reader's advisory

How Big is Your ‘To Read’ list?

toread meme

I’ve learned to categorize (read: rationalize) based on several criteria.

To start with, if it’s an author that I love, any of their new releases take an express elevator right to the top.  Because, let’s be honest, how are you supposed to go about your daily business when you know the fate of your favorite characters hang in the balance and it is well within your power to pick up that book and race through to yet another glorious conclusion?

Another category I have is recommendations.  My co-worker/bff/spouse/sibling/librarian/ _________ (fill-in the blank here with your favorite recommend-er) said that this is a book that will change my life.  And, because I want to be able to discuss it with them the next time I see them, I will try to get through this list based on when I’m likely to see that person again.  What I generally discover is that the people in my life have vastly different tastes in reading materials than I do, but variety is the spice of life, right?

Then there are the summer vacation reads, not to be confused with the cold winter night reads.  These are books that have a certain mood, or feeling, for me.  Light and fluffy reads to help improve my mood or add to a pleasurable experience (say, sitting on the beach with a fruity drink in hand and no deadlines).  Those big, heavy tomes are what I want when I need to escape reality (especially perfect on a cold, snowy night).

I also have a hidden stash of ‘someday reads.’  You know the books I’m talking about.  The books that you have always wanted to read, like the classic that your familiar with in theory but haven’t actually had the privilege of reading.  Or the series that you’ve wanted to start but never quite got around to starting because your favorite author also released a book at the same time and by now you’re eight books behind.  Someday, though.  Someday I am going to have endless free time and my favorite author won’t have any books due out for a while and I will be able to tackle that stack of books that is now towering over my long-neglected fichus.

I’m sure that my ramblings have inspired you to go grab a book and make a dent in your ‘To Read’ list.  So I’ll save the discussion on re-reads for another time.

Book Club

Books and Bagels/Morning Book Break -The Boys in the Boat (June 2016)

The Boys in the Boat received an average rating of 4.0 from both book discussion groups.

Many in the group enjoyed the story of the crew and the synchronization necessary to win.  The group also enjoyed the author’s heavily researched sections about the Nazis in the 1930s.  Several group members found the writing tedious at times.

A retired Rolling Meadows English teacher who is part of the group presented a short informal speech about rowing based on his experiences as part of the crew team at Yale University.  He answered all our questions and it was fascinating.

Finally, we discussed our overall opinions about this season’s selections.
For Books and Bagels, favorites were: The Martian, Station Eleven, and The Boys in the Boat.  Books and Bagels did not like West of Sunset.
For Morning Book Break, favorites were: A Man Called Ove, Me Before You, and The Passion of Artemisia.  Morning Book Break did not like The Martian.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in the fall!

Feel free to view the following links and videos relating to The Boys in the Boat.

Discussion Questions for The Boys in the Boat



Displays, RA Programs

Summer Reading continues!

Every couple of weeks during summer reading, Reader’s Advisory puts out different displays that go with the theme “Get in the Game: READ!” in the area surrounding our desk. Anything that is on the cubes can be checked out, just like anything else in the library!

Right now, there are several different exciting displays to choose from.

“Battleship,” located on the left book cube, is a salute to naval transport of all kinds, from sailing ships captained by Horatio Hornblower to spaceships from the far future.

“Clue,” located on the center book cube, is mystery fiction.  Many of the titles selected are stand-alones, so don’t worry if you don’t usually do series mysteries!

“Kick the Can,” located on the CD display cube, is country music of all eras.

Our corner display will be rotating through Trivial Pursuit categories every few weeks. Currently it is books related to History, and previously was Entertainment.

The film walls feature “Pinochle,” classic feature films, and “Monopoly,” nonfiction films about our financial world.

All summer long, our new book display and staff (and patron) suggestions display are transformed into “Chance” and “Community Chest.”

Check out the slideshow below for photos of each of these displays.
We encourage you to come in and check out these displays for yourself; you can always take something home!

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